STATIONS Adalbertstraße 96 Berlin





Written & Directed



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PENTHESILEA - EIN REQUIEM | პენთესილეა. რეკვიემი, Nino Haratischwili (dir), music together with Nestan Bagration-Davitashvili Deutsches Theater Berlin, Feb 2024—Jul 2025.

DIE HAMLETMASCHINE, Benjamin Walther (dir, des), Bregenzer, Hildebrandt, Kampschulte, Wöß (act), Heiner Müller (auth), Theater Hof Hof, Mar—May 2022.

DER REST, Benjamin Walther (dir, des), Hildebrandt, Leinweber, Kampschulte, Brammer, Schmitz (act), Spranger (auth), Theater Hof Hof, Feb/Mar 2020.

ICH BIN DIE BEUTE (trailer), Benjamin Walther (dir, des), Hutter, Niederkirchner (act), Insel (drm), after Yalom, Staring at the Sun, Theaterhaus Jena Mar 2018.

PROMETHEUS.NU (vimeo clip), Benjamin Walther (dir, des), A. Jebro, J. Fjelstrup (act), Sigal Zouk (dnc), Betty Nansen Teatret Copenhagen 2015.


  with Christian Ulmen Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, and Kampnagel Hamburg, February 2015;

  with August Zirner Münchner Volkstheater Munich, February 2015;   with Jan Böhmermann Gloria Theater Cologne, March 2015.

I WILL, Thea Djordjadze, Rosemarie Trockel, Andreas Reihse (dir, des, auth), with Jongbloed, Riedel & Riedel, students of R. Trockel, and friends, Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus 2005.

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Pätzug/Hertweck mit Andreas Reihse: Konzert in Sentimentaler Flächenbeziehung Performance in installation, Marienburg Berlin 2023.

Seda Mimaroğlu & Andreas Reihse, Live, Lecture Performance, Periode Berlin 2023.

Seda Mimaroğlu & Andreas Reihse, Fundraiser for Communities affected by the Earthquake in Syria/Turkey, Lecture Performance, Arkaoda Berlin 2023.

Seda Mimaroğlu & Andreas Reihse with Emrah Gökmen, Merve Çanakçi: Aşk Şarkıları, Performance, Hopscotch Berlin 2022.

Fette Sans with Andreas Reihse: (re-)discipline in [redacted], Lecture Performance, Periode, Berlin June 2021.

Kiki Moorse & Andreas Reihse: BadFrench, Lecture Performance, Periode, Berlin Mai 2021.

p≡p coop & Freundeskreis Freiheit (im Netz): Die freundliche Verweigerung ft. Chittka, Karlstetter, Marques, Berg, Helbing, Sva, Buff, Starostik, padeluun, re:publica#18 Station Berlin May 2018.

Seda Mimaroğlu & Andreas Reihse Loose Leaves, Lecture Performance, Image Movement Berlin 2018.

Fette Sans with Andreas Reihse: (re-)discipline in [redacted], Performance in installation, Bora-Bora Berlin Apr 2018.

Common Ground: Performance with dancer Tillmann Becker, Awst & Walther Be Water II, Georg Kolbe Museum Berlin Oct 2017.

Stephanie Stein | Andreas Reihse & Marcus Steinweg: ERROR O, Bar Babette Berlin Oct 2017.

Andreas Reihse: Musical Performance, Awst & Walther Be Water II, Georg Kolbe Museum Berlin Oct 2017.

Fette Sans with Andreas Reihse: if I can't sleep at night is it because [redacted], Performance in installation, Hotel Zoo Berlin Jul 2017.

Sonja vom Brocke & Winkler | Reihse, Satelliten Festival Altes Pfandhaus Köln Jun 2017.

Fette Sans with Andreas Reihse: if I can't sleep at night is it because I am awake with [redacted] Andreas Reihse, Performance in installation, Hotel Zoo Berlin May 2017.

Guthrie McDonald: KEEP OFF THE GRASS, Performance in installation, Image Movement Berlin 2016.

Awst & Walther: Instrumental Enviroments II: Performance with Awst & Walther, Image Movement, Berlin 2015.

Awst & Walther: Ground Control, PSM gallery, Berlin 2015,

- A&R, Performance with Annika Henderson;

- Untitled, Performance in installation with dancers Sigal Zouk and Jan Burkhardt.

Redmond Entwistle with Andreas Reihse: The General Line, Performance in installation 2015

- Centre Pompidou Paris;

- Centre d'art Contemporain la Synagogue de Delme Delme;

- South London Gallery London.

Guthrie McDonald: Untitled, Performance in installation, Phoenixhallen Harburg, Hamburg 2014.

Awst & Walther: Far and Wide, Untitled, Performance in installation with dancer Sigal Zouk, Barclodiad y Gawres, Anglesey, Wales 2014.

Tom Holert & Andreas Reihse: Christoph Gurk, WAU, Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, October 2012.

Stuart Comer You stole my dream, film program with musical accompaniment by Emily Sundblad and Andreas Reihse, Volcano Extravaganza, La Lunatica Stromboli Jul 2012.

Jochen Becker and Andreas Reihse: South of Kö - performative Popkulturen in Düsseldorf, FFT Theater Düsseldorf 2012

Andreas Reihse: Studio Reihe Musik, Studio Berlin 2012

Thea Djordjadze and Andreas Reihse: Untitled, Performance, Serpentine gallery, London 2010.

Giles Round with Andreas Reihse: We Must Bleed, The Weasel, South London Gallery London 2007.

Thea Djordjadze & Andreas Reihse: Südstadtvirus, Studio Voltaire, London 2005.

Thea Djordjadze: o.T. (Haareschneiden-Performance), Musical accompaniment, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen Düsseldorf 2001.

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Sonja vom Brocke: Waking the Wxtch - Night Walk Droste Festival - Dark Magic, Burg Huelshoff, Jun 2021.

Fette Sans: The Bitter Ends of (the Technologies of Tenderness), 2020 — 2021.

Fette Sans: if I can't sleep at night is it because I am [redacted] - Part II, Hotel Zoo Berlin, 29 Jun 2017.

Fette Sans: if I can't sleep at night is it because I am awake in someone else's room?, Hotel Zoo Berlin, 29-30 Apr 2017.

Gerhard Wittmann: remote<< track DOWN, hobbypopMUSEUM Düsseldorf 2000.

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Alex Paulick | Andreas Reihse - LXAR micro-tonal 7 speakers installation, Periode Berlin May 2022.

Dalia Neis | Andreas Reihse - Spinoza's Vision [Redux] 5.1 surround audio installation for cinema auditorium

- premiere: Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen May 2020.

Mohamed A. Gawad | Dice Miller | Andreas Reihse - Timehelix 5.1 surround audio installation for cinema auditorium

- premiere: Berlinale 68. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, at Arsenal cinema, and Akademie der Künste cinema, ForumExpanded Feb 2018.

- Visual Research Network Conference Manchester Aug 2018.

- metakino #2, whs teatteri union, Helsinki May 2019.

Dice Miller | Andreas Reihse - Sermon 5.1 surround audio installation for cinema auditorium

- premiere: Berlinale 68. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, at Arsenal cinema, and Akademie der Künste cinema, ForumExpanded Feb 2018.

- Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen May 2018.

- Visual Research Network Conference Manchester Aug 2018.

- metakino #2, whs teatteri union, Helsinki May 2019.

TuHwnt, installative performance, Awst & Walther - Far and Wide, Barclodiad-y-Gaweres, Anglesey, Wales Jun 2014.

Volkan, Video/sound-installation, Volcano Extravaganza, Stromboli Aug 2012.

Fußballfan, Public Folder

- Raum für Kunst und Musik, Köln May 2006,

- Dos Equis, Köln Jun 2006,

- Galerie Abriss, Essen Jul 2006.

April if: musik+, April at Parking Meters, Köln 2001.

Fantreff 4 speakers audio installation, FHD Düsseldorf 1993.

Kafka: Verwandlung 4 speakers audio installation, FHD Düsseldorf 1992.



Fette Sans: The Cabinet, Neun Kelche Berlin Sep-Oct 2021

Leiko Ikemura: Märchenwald, Hetjens - Deutsches Keramikmuseum Düsseldorf Nov 2017 - Feb 2018.

Nadim Vardag: Repeat and Fade, with Isaac Bigsby Trogdon, Kunstmuseum St Gallen 2012.

Awst & Walther: Latent Measures, Darksteel Ohm, Kwadrat Berlin 2011.

Hans-Peter Jochum: Swiss Design, Swiss Chalet, Galerie Hans-Peter Jochum Berlin 2011.

Maximilian Zentz Zlomowitz: untitled, The show continues upstairs, Supportico Lopez Berlin 2009.

Thea Djordjadze: Pampel, München 2006.

Giles Round: friday late twilight, Victoria and Albert Museum London 2006.

Rosemarie Trockel: Verflüssigung, MMK Frankfurt 2003.

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Memory Sticks Periode Berlin 12 2023

zB »wir holen uns unsere Zukunft zurück (sagt der Osterhase)« Can Oral & Andreas Reihse Periode Berlin 04-05 2023

Studio Reihe Musik: Andreas Reihse invited by Fiona McGovern & Magnus Schäfer, Studio Berlin 05 2012

6_6_7 - The Beast plus One, Raum für Kunst und Musik Köln 06 06 2007

NR.11 - Jugend 1 - Wunderwelt der Tapete (Heftchen/ magazine-works), Bar Ornella Köln 09 2005

musik+, Parking Meters Köln 2001



»>Leser< ? — achduliebergott.« Arno Schmidt und einige seiner Bewunderer Arno Schmidt Stiftung Bargfeld 2023-2024

ART for DONATION (for people affected by the earthquakes in Syriah and Turkey), PSM Gallery Berlin 2023

pn!m3.1, Periode Berlin 2022/2023

Lustige Zeichnung, Periode Berlin 2022


pn!m3.0, Periode Berlin 2022

all_go_rhythm__This is a free concert, a-musik Cologne 2022

Multiverse, Periode Berlin 2021

all_go_rhythm__This is a free concert, oqbo Berlin 2021

GROUPSHOW, Periode Berlin 2021

Fundraiser & Hors d'Œuvre, Stations at Studio Thea Djordjadze Berlin 2017

Halber Alltag, Cle Große-Segerath Oberhausen 2017

Rotation-Play, Aspn Galerie Leipzig 2012

Volcano Extravaganza, Fiorucci Art Trust Stromboli 2012

Artists' Shop, Right Window San Francisco 2012

Entropie, Kunstbunker Nürnberg 2011

Espresso Prosecco, Salon Chanel Berlin 2009

Publish & be damned, London 2008

with Giles Round, The Weasel, South London Gallery London 2007

with Giles Round, Itchy Park, London 2006

Gruppenausstellung, Bar Ornella Köln Nov 2006

Benefiz-Auktion, Raum für Kunst und Musik Köln 2006

Gruppenausstellung, Bar Ornella 23 Bar Ornella Köln Jun 2006

Papier-Arbeiten | works on paper, Bar Ornella Köln 2005

Play!, Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf 2005

max. 2 Arb., WP8 Düsseldorf Dec 1994

max. 3 Arb., WP8 Düsseldorf 12 Dec 1993

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Astrid Klein: collection of silence (12h sound piece), Audio CD supplement in Moff 10, 2014.

Nina Pohl: untitled (video), Melanchotopia, Rotterdam 2011.

Nina Pohl: untitled (sound piece), Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin 2010.

Thea Djordjadze & Rosemarie Trockel: "Un soir, j'ai assis la beauté sur mes genoux. And I found her bitter and I hurt her." (Video)

- Sprüth Magers London 2007,

- Sprüth Magers Munich 2008.

Djordjadze/Poussttchi/Trockel: l'ananas bianco (installation), Venice Biennal 2003 (feat. Udo Kier).



Kleines Musikbrevier, Audio CD Jahresgabe Kölnischer Kunstverein, October 2005.

I Will, Audio CD in I Will - Mappe für Sponsoren und Mitarbeiter, July 2005.



Melissa Canbas & Mihaela Chiriac, Stations with Andreas Reihse - Some shadows left hanging Cashmere Radio Berlin April 2023.

Michael Holland with Andreas Reihse - Wanda Portal II Cashmere Residency Program Berlin June 2021.

Michael Holland with Andreas Reihse & Dalia Neis -Wanda Portal I Cashmere Residency Program Berlin June 2021.

Andreas Reihse - BLÆC Radio Woolloomooloo 2021.

Onotesla - Wanda w/ Dalia Neis & Andreas Reihse 25th April 2021 NTS Manchester April 2021.

Onotesla - Wanda w/ Andreas Reihse & Dice Miller - 26th April 2020 NTS Manchester April 2020.

Onotesla Presents Wanda w/ Andreas Reihse & Dice Miller - 30th June 2019 NTS Manchester June 2019.

Onotesla w/ Andreas Reihse & Dice Miller - 23rd September 2017 NTS Manchester September 2017.

Andreas Reihse - Turkish Delights & Berlin Knights Zattirizat Istanbul 2015.

Muk presents Andreas Reihse - The Hidden Reverse #15 Cashmere Radio Berlin 2017.

with Isaac B Trogdon - Dyssembler #20 BCR Berlin Community Radio 2014.

Andreas Reihse for Kreidler - Inspirational Bodytonic Radio 2009.

Andreas Reihse for Kreidler Ocean Club Berlin 1996.

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»BLÆC IS MY FAVORITE CLICHÉ« in Troy Brennan (ed): BLÆC EDITO 3 ARTSEXUS, Sidney 2021.

»I'VE GOT TO WEAR BLÆC« in Troy Brennan (ed): BLÆC EDITO 2 ARTMORTUM, Sidney 2020.

untitled in John Harten (ed): Public Folder #3 Golden Record, Berlin: Public Folder 2017.

untitled in: Berit Homburg & Dominikus Müller (eds.): Studio (numbered edition of 100 copies), Berlin 2013.

untitled in: Catalogue Publish & be Damned, London: Publish & be Damned 2008.

»Als ich mit 12 Jahren...« in: Play!, Düsseldorf: Stadtmuseum 2008.

»leaving home (unfair)« in: The Rambler, Los Angeles 2007.

untitled in: Faltblatt Bar Ornella, Cologne: Bar Ornella 2006.

»Fußballjugend« in John Harten (ed): Public Folder #2 Fussball/Football, Köln: Public Folder 2006.

Djordjadze/ Jungbloed/ Reihse/ Riedel/ Trockel (eds.): I Will, Cologne 2005.




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Speed dates, seminar, University of Fine Arts Kunstakademie Münster October 2024 — January 2025 T

Gruppe Eva Mamlok - Widerstandsgeschichten, poetry workshop with Alexandra Weltz-Rombach, FHXB Museum Berlin August 2024 T

Music works, seminar, University of Fine Arts Kunstakademie Münster April — July 2024 T

Hamlet Akt Eins bis Fünf, workshop with Seda Mimaroğlu, theatre class Hermann-Ehlers-Gymnasium Berlin Nov-Dec 2022 T

Artist Talk (spatial audio ++), ZHdK Zürich Nov 2022 L

Electronauts - Georgian Electronic Music Award, jury member, 2009 — 2011

Artist Talk (film and music works++), ZHdK Zürich Oct 2021 L

Artist Talk , quizzed by Stefan Römer, oqbo Berlin Sep 2021

Artist Talk (soundtracks++), Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Salzgitter Oct 2021 L

Art of the Gap, Shared Campus — Summer School, ZHdK [in Berlin] July 2021 T

Artist Talk (theatre & performance works++), ZHdK Zurich Mar 2021 L

The Ghost in Walls, Shared Campus — Summer School, ZHdK [in Berlin] July 2020 T

Artist Talk, Akzente Chişinău Moldavia Oct 2019 L

IMAGE MOVEMENT, Galerie Sprüth Magers Berlin, twice monthly Sept 2010 — Jan 2019

Kunst + Kommerz, Popkomm Congress, Messe Berlin, Sept 2004 L

Explorations: Trends in Electronic Music in Germany, Esplanade Singapore Sept 2003 L

round table, Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, May 2002, T

Corazón — Sag' mir, wo Du stehst, Münchener Kunstverein October 1995 L



Musikfonds Stipendium, Musikfonds Berlin 2022/23 (G)

Musikfonds Stipendium for LXAR, Musikfonds Berlin 2022 (G)

GEMA Neustart Kultur Stipendium, GEMA Berlin/Müchen 2022 (G)

Musikfonds Stipendium, Musikfonds Berlin 2020/21 (G)

MuVi Award, with Zaza Rusadze, directors, video Kreidler Eurydike, Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2020 (A)

iEmmy - Digital Emmy, Last Hijack interactive website — music by Andreas Reihse, Alex Paulick and Thomas Klein (as Kreidler) 2015 (A)

Volcano Extravaganza Artist residency, Fiorucci Art Foundation, Stromboli 2012 (R)

Studio grant, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne 2007/08 (G)

Type Directors Club Award, magazine ANTON, Type Directors Club New York, NYC 1995 (A)

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